Spectrr Finance How to Guide

Welcome to Spectrr Finance! An interest-free lending and borrowing like decentralised platform. Here, you can make offers, where you sell or buy tokens at an exchange rate and repayment period of your choice. This guide aims to give a tour of the functionalities of the Spectrr Finance website.

Accessing The Spectrr Finance Website

There are three ways to access the Spectrr.fi website:

  1. Using a browser supporting ipfs (brave & opera), you can just search for: spectrrfi.eth
  2. Using other browsers (firefox, chrome...), search for: spectrrfi.eth.limo or spectrrfi.eth.link
  3. Clone the git repo from https://gitlab.com/spectrrfi/client to run a server at localhost

Getting a web3 Wallet

To interact with the Spectrr.fi Smart Contracts on the blockchain, you first need to have a web3 wallet browser extension. To do so, you may install metamask, exodus (chrome & brave only), or any other major web3 provider.

Supported Tokens (Fantom Opera)

Trading Rules


The home tab displays two tables, showing data on the latest open (not accepted or closed) sale and buy offers.

Spectrr.fi Home Page


On the offers tab, the user can directly interact with the Spectrr.fi Smart Contracts. The picture below presents the different possible actions:

Offers Actions


The create action simply creates a sale/buy offer based on the user's input.

Sale Offer

In the picture below, we are creating a sale offer, where we are selling 0.01 wBTC at an exchange rate of 24,000 USD/wBTC, in exchange of USDC. Also, we specify a repayment period of 2 days.

Creating a Sale Offer

Before sending tokens from your wallet, you firstly have to approve an allowance for Spectrr Finance:

Approve Allowance

Approve Allowance

After the transaction has been confirmed on the blockchain, the following prompt will be presented after clicking on the confirm button again:

Confirm Creating a Sale Offer

Clicking the 'Create Buy Offer' button will prompt you to confirm the transaction in your wallet. After its confirmation, your offer will be open and visible to others!

Buy Offer

The process of creating a buy offer is similar to creating a sale offer. The buy offer template look like so:

Create Buy Offer Template

Let us create an offer were we want to buy 1000 USDC at an exchange rate of 0.000645 USDC/wETH. We will collateralize the offer with wETH, and specify a repayment period of 30 minutes.

Creating a Buy Offer

If the approve allowance prompt pops out, you will have to approve the transactions in order to continue:

Approve Allowance

We will then have the following prompt summarizing the offer:

Confirm Creating a Buy offer

Clicking the 'Create Buy Offer' button will prompt you to confirm the transaction in your wallet. After its confirmation, your offer will be open and visible to others!


Cancel an offer, given that it not accepted yet, by entering its Id in the input box. For example, to cancel sale offer #3, we will do the following:

Cancel a Sale Offer

After clicking 'Cancel Sale Offer':

Confirm Cancel Sale Offer

Canceling a buy offer follows the same exact procedure presented above.


Accept an offer by entering its Id in the input box.

Sale Offer

To accept a sale offer, you first need to select the token you want to collateralize the offer with. The value of this collateral is 1.5 times the value of the amount buying. Also, this collateral will be stored on the address of the Smart Contract

Here we will accept sale offer #4, and provide a USDC collateral:

Accept Sale Offer

After confirming, you may need to approve an allowance in order to continue.

After clicking 'Accept Sale Offer':

Confirm Accept Sale Offer

Buy Offer

Accept a buy offer by just entering its Id in the input box.

Accepting buy offer #1 will like:

Accept Buy Offer

After confirming, you may need to approve an allowance in order to continue.

Confirm Accept Buy Offer


Forfeit an offer by entering its Id in the input box, given that the the collateral value is not below that of the debt. For example, to forfeit sale offer #4, we will do the following:

Forfeit a Sale Offer

After clicking 'Forfeit Sale Offer':

Confirm Forfeit Sale Offer

Forfeiting a buy offer follows the same exact procedure presented above.


Repay an offer by entering its Id in the input box. If no repayment amount is specified, it assumed that the full debt is being repaid.

Let us partly repay 100 USDC of sale offer #2:

Repay a Sale Offer Confirm Repay Sale Offer

Repaying a buy offer follows the same procedure above.

Add Collateral

Add collateral to an offer by entering its Id and the amount being added. Adding collateral to an offer raises the collateral to debt ratio, and thus distances the buyer from a potential liquidation Note: Liquidation can occur when collateral to debt ratio is less than 1.25)

Below, we are adding 0.5 wETH of collateral to sale offer #2:

Add Collateral Sale Offer Confirm Add Collateral Sale Offer

Adding collateral to a buy offer follows the same above procedure.


Liquidate an offer by entering its Id in the input box. Note: You can liquidate an offer if the collateral to debt ratio is less than 1.25 or if the repayment deadline has passed.

In the pictures below, we are liquidating buy offer #1. As it can be seen, the offer is liquidable because the repayment period has expired. Also, the repayment amount is 0 USDC, since the sender of the transaction is the seller of the offer.

Liquidate Buy Offer Confirm Liquidate Buy Offer

Liquidating a sale offer follows the same above procedure.

Change address

If you are the seller/buyer of an offer, you can change the initial address you used to create/accept the offer. To do so, simply enter the Id of the offer in question, and the new address that you want to set.

Warning: If the user enters an invalid address, control of the funds on the offer will be completely relinquished to that address with no turning back.

Here, we will change the seller address of sale offer #1;

Change Address Sale Offer Confirm Change Address Sale Offer

Changing the address of a buy offer follows the same above procedure.


The browse tab tabulates data on the latest open and accepted sale offers. The latest buy offers can be shown by clicking on the 'Buy Offers' tab, above the table caption. Offers can also be accepted from the browse tab by clicking on the accept button:

Accept Action Button


This tab displays information on offers that are accepted, and thus potentially liquidable. Also, you can liquidate offers by clicking on the liquidate button.

Liquidate Action Button


The dashboard can show data on the offers posted and accepted by the user. From there, you can also cancel, liquidate, and change the seller/buyer address of an offer:

Dashboard Action Buttons



The approve tab basically allows the Spectrr.fi Smart Contracts (i.e., The Spectrr.fi website) to use the tokens in your wallet. By default, it allocates an allowance of 1,000,000 tokens. An optional amount can be specified in the Approve Amount box.

Clicking on the confirm button will directly open your wallet, which will then ask you for confirmation.

In the picture below we are approving an allowance of 0.05 wBTC:

Approving Allowance of 0.05 wBTC


This tab revokes a previously allocated allowance to Spectrr.fi. In other words, one will not be able to send tokens through the Spectrr.fi Smart Contracts.

Revoke Allowance wBTC


Clicking on this tab will redirect you this page. Alternatively, this guide, source code of the Spectrr.fi website, and Smart contracts, can also be found here.





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